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Marilyn Mosby Verdict

Marilyn Mosby, Former Baltimore Prosecutor, Sentenced to Time Served

Federal Judge Imposes Minimal Penalty

BALTIMORE, Md. - Federal judge sentenced Marilyn Mosby, the former top prosecutor of Baltimore, to time served during an asset forfeiture hearing held on May 23rd, 2024. The sentencing comes after a federal jury found Mosby guilty of several charges, including perjury and making false mortgage applications.

Mosby, who rose to national prominence for her role in prosecuting the officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray, had initially faced a sentencing range of 57 to 71 months in prison. However, the judge ultimately imposed a more lenient sentence, citing Mosby's "extraordinary" service to the community.

Context and Background

Mosby's legal troubles stemmed from her decision to purchase a vacation home in Florida in 2020. She allegedly lied about the source of her down payment and the amount of her student loan debt in order to obtain a mortgage. She was also accused of knowingly making false statements about her financial situation to the city of Baltimore for the purpose of obtaining a COVID-19 relief grant.
